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BTS’s Jimin Reveals Why He Would Choose “Filter” As His Way To Attract ARMY

Beautiful Females

During a recent interview with BTS‘s Jimin, he discussed why “Filter” is the perfect song to allure fans.

While being interviewed about his fairytale of choice, Pied Piper of Hamelin, he was compared to the main character and asked who he would choose to attract.

ARMY! It’s obviously ARMY.

— Jimin

His method of doing so includes playing none other than his solo song on Map Of The Soul: 7.

If it were me, “Filter” would be the perfect song.

— Jimin

Jimin reveals the song is all about luring and attraction so the choice is simple for him.

It’s a song to charm and attract the listeners so it will be perfect for it.

— Jimin

Even Jimin’s live performance of “Filter” had the same goal of enticing his fans as shown by the words written on his palms. Illecebra is a Latin word defined as “allurement” or “enticement” and can even have a magical connotation.

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| @BTS_twt/Twitter

His other palm says Arcanus which can mean “keeper of secrets,” showing ARMY can rely on him.

| @BTS_bighit/Twitter

If one thing is for sure, it’s that ARMY are happy to be under his spell!


from Koreaboo https://ift.tt/3uB9Uux

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