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The 9 Sexiest “MAXIM Korea” Models Of 2023 (So Far)

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Beautiful Females

From the stunning girl next door to the beautiful bombshell, MAXIM Korea magazine features many gorgeous models. Here are the nine sexiest ones who managed to appear on the magazine’s beloved cover.

MAXIM Korea” Models Of 2023

1. Park Min Jung

To kick off the year, the beautiful BJ Park Min Jung graced the January cover.

Park Min JungPark Min Jung
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2. Sooflower

To celebrate the month of love, Twitch streamer Sooflower showed off her adorable yet sexy charms for February.

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3-4. Roh Ji Hye And Park Soo Min

Proving that two beautiful models are better than one, Roh Ji Hye and Park Soo Min shared the cover for March.

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Roh Ji Hye and Park Soo Min.

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5. Ahn Ji Hyeon

Ahn Ji Hyeon became the first cheerleader of the year to appear in the magazine for April.

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Ahn Ji Hyeon

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6. Kim Woo Hyeon

For her multiple May covers, model Kim Woo Hyeon wasn’t afraid to fully show her sexy side.

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Kim Woo Hyeon

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7. Kim Yi Seo

For the magazine’s June issue, cheerleader Kim Yi Seo showed off her glamorous figure and charming smile.

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Kim Yi Seo

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8. Lee So Yun

Heating up the month of July, pretty model Lee So Yun had some fun in the sun while enjoying some summer favorites.

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Lee So Yun

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9. Seo Hyun Sook

With August right around the corner, blonde cheerleader Seo Hyun Sook graced the cover with her stunning visuals.

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Seo Hyun Sook

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