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TXT Fans Are Shocked To Hear NSFW “Tinnitus (Wanna Be A Rock)” Demo

Beautiful Females
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The original demo for TXT‘s “Tinnitus (Wanna be a rock)” has been revealed, and it’s actually quite NSFW…

The song from TXT’s 5th EP The Name Chapter: Temptation became a fan-favorite among MOAs due to its Afrobeat while conveying a relatable message as the members self-identify as a “rockstar minus star, just a rock.”

The lyrics of ‘Tinnitus (Wanna be a rock)’ are a tightrope walk between self-acceptance and justification, calling themselves a ‘rock’ rather than a ‘rockstar,’ and they mockingly say that their dream was never attainable anyway and so they’re fine with who they are now. At the same time, their generation experiences a feeling of hopelessness in a world where material wealth is considered the only path in life and where they’re forced to choose to give up if they can’t achieve it.

— Yoon Haein, Weverse Magazine

While the lyrics of “Tinnitus (Wanna be a rock)” can resonate with a lot of young listeners, its original lyrics are surprisingly NSFW.

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One of the songwriters for “Tinnitus (Wanna be a rock),” Ebby Marango, shared that his plaque arrived, commemorating The Name Chapter: Temptation, charting #1 on Billboard 200 and Top Album Sales.

| @ebby1I/TikTok

To celebrate, he also gave MOAs a gift… Ebby revealed the original demo for “Tinnitus (Wanna be a rock),” titled “Want It.”


Billboard plaque arrived 💿 @TOMORROW X TOGETHER #1 #billboard #txt #txt_bighit_official #txtedits #kpop #afrobeats #bighit #songwriter #singer

♬ Tinnitus (Wanna be a rock) – TOMORROW X TOGETHER

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The original lyrics couldn’t be more different from the released version of “Tinnitus (Wanna be a rock).” The original song is actually about sex.

| Ebby Marango via @daneydanedan/Twitter
Ebby Marango via @daneydanedan/Twitter
Ebby Marango via @daneydanedan/Twitter

Naturally, MOAs were shook to discover the demo and its lyrics. The song maintained its same catchy beat, but the lyrics took a 360.

Yet, in some ways, it all makes sense now…

We certainly know now why Taehyun kept wanting to take his shirt off during “Tinnitus (Wanna be a rock).”

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Previously, Taehyun revealed they even recorded “Tinnitus (Wanna be a rock)” shirtless.

And he has continued to lift his shirt during performances of the song, so that original demo really got to him.

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Many MOAs low-key wish the original could be released officially or at least performed live in the U.S. Recently, BLACKPINK‘s Lisa performed the original explicit version of “Money” at 2023 Coachella, so it’s possible!

While BIGHIT MUSIC will likely never release the original, you can listen to Ebby’s demo on SoundCloud.

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