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Stray Kids Appearing In “Deadpool 3” Might Really Be Happening

Beautiful Females
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Most K-Pop fans know of the relationship between Stray Kids and American actor Ryan Reynolds. Fans were recently given another reason to be excited after some hints were given that the group could potentially make their Hollywood debut as a part of the upcoming Deadpool movie!

Stray Kids | @realstraykids/Instagram

The Ryan Reynolds-Stray Kids relationship first began after the group’s Kingdom: Legendary War performance, which was inspired by the movie Deadpool which stars Reynolds as the titular character.

Since then, Reynolds has even sent Bang Chan a personal gift and invited him to a movie premiere!

Ryan Reynolds holding a gift for Bang Chan | @AviationGin/Twitter
Bang Chan holding a signed album for Ryan Reynolds | @Stray_Kids/Twitter

Reynolds is a true fan and has “inadvertently” participated in STAY’s selca day by posting a photo of himself on his Instagram story that featured Stray Kids’ song “Red Lights,” showing he appreciates their music as well!

Since the beginning of these interactions, fans have had hope that Stray Kids will be included in a Deadpool movie soundtrack, but may have just gotten a hint that they will be!

Recently, Marvel fan accounts shared that Deadpool 3 will include part of the universe that took place in Marvel’s Loki series. In Loki, the title character is held by an organization called the Time Variance Authority (also known as TVA). The TVA authorities are aided by a character called Miss Minutes.

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Screen Shot 2022-12-06 at 11.30.44 AM
Miss Minutes in Loki. | Marvel

Following the rumors, an account on Twitter with the username @MissMinutes tweeted to the Deadpool account saying hello. Reynolds responded to this tweet with a similar message, seemingly confirming these rumors.

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Fans quickly discovered that the Miss Minutes account had previously tweeted looking for song recommendations for the TVA. In the tweet, she specifically asks for songs by Stray Kids!

Because of this account’s interaction with the real Deadpool himself, fans have been taking this as a sign that they will be on the upcoming movie’s soundtrack!

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