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ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo Has Two MBTI Personality Types—Here’s Why

Beautiful Females
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ASTRO‘s Cha Eunwoo revealed his MBTI personality and it’s different from most. People usually have just one type which changes through the years, but the singer-actor insisted that he has two.

MBTI stands for Myers Briggs Type Indicator. It is a tool used to understand humans by looking at their communication tendencies and preferences.

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ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo

In two interviews with Harper’s Bazaar, Cha Eunwoo discussed having two MBTI personality types. He realized that his persona in front of the camera is different from the one behind it.

I’m not a big believer in the MBTI, but Cha Eun-woo and Lee Dong-min have different MBTIs. Cha Eun-woo is an INFJ and Lee Dong-min is an ENTJ.

— Cha Eunwoo

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INFJ people are dubbed “advocates” who stand up for what’s right. They have Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging personality traits, and though they may be reserved individuals, they are warm and sensitive when interacting with others. Based on his public appearances, it is a common sight for Cha Eunwoo to have a relaxed aura that fits this MBTI type.

| @eunwo.o_c/Instagram

Meanwhile, “Lee Dong Min,” his real name, is more outgoing and decisive. ENTJ people are are “commanders” who are charismatic and confident, making them natural-born leaders.

Cha Eunwoo Pre Debut

How did having two personality traits happen? According to Cha Eunwoo himself, “It’s a job, so I have to adapt.” He forged two sides of himself to fit his circumstances as a celebrity and a regular person.

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| @eunwo.o_c/Instagram

Unsurprisingly, he prefers his laidback self the best. The ones who get to see it are none other than his close friends inside and outside the entertainment industry.

I was curious too. I think I changed the personality of Lee Dong Min little by a little while working as a celebrity. Even so, Dong Min is Dong Min. When I’m with people I’m comfortable with, my original personality comes out.

— Cha Eunwoo

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Check out the video below to learn more about Cha Eunwoo!

from Koreaboo https://ift.tt/3w6iMKZ

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