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What K-Drama Is This? BTS’s “Actor V” Dives Into His Hilarious New Role

Beautiful Females
Estimated read time: 1 min

After weeks of leaving us high and dry, Run BTS! is finally back to take us on a trip to the Joseon Dynasty!

V | Run BTS!/V Live

In Episode 145, BTS dressed up in period costumes to continue their “BTS Village” mystery game. Their quest? Find the legendary ARMY headstone.

| Run BTS!/V Live   

Right from the beginning, V embraced his bearded character, changing his speech to reflect his role. Unfortunately, his members wouldn’t let him take himself too seriously!

| Run BTS!/V Live

Throughout the episode, which will henceforth be nicknamed “Taechwita Part 2,” V seized every opportunity to roleplay. From wielding this stick like a sword…

| Run BTS!/V Live   

…to struggling with an actual sword, V had the time of his life on set.

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| Run BTS!/V Live

V gave the “painter” Jungkook the gift of scarves to earn his trust…

| Run BTS!/V Live   

…and was willing to sacrifice himself to protect him!

| Run BTS!/V Live

V even sucked the staff into his improv. Address him as “master,” peasants!

| Run BTS!/V Live

Now our only question is; When will this K-Drama be airing?

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| Run BTS!/V Live

from Koreaboo https://ift.tt/3jiCkWf

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