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These Are The TOP 12 K-Pop Lightsticks, As Chosen By Koreans

Beautiful Females

Lightsticks are a major way fans show their love and support for their favorite idol group during concerts, and while most Koreans only buy the stick that supports their chosen idol group, other impressive lightsticks have definitely caught their eye! Koreans have been discussing which lightsticks are the prettiest out of all the idol groups, with many saying they want to buy some of the below sticks even if they don’t belong to their bias groups! (Of course, more lightsticks were mentioned and it’s all based on personal opinion.)


1. Cosmic Girls

cosmic girls light stick

cosmic girls

cosmic girls lightstick2


blackpink lightstick 1

blackpink lightstick

3. Apink

apink lightstick

apink lightstick2

4. Samuel

samuel lightstick

samuel lightstick3


twice lightstick2

twice lightstick1


seventeen lightstick2

seventeen lightstick

7. SHINee

shinee lightstick1

shinee lightstick

8. iKON




bigbang lightstick1

bigbang lightstick2

10. Highlight

highlight lightstick1

highlight lightstick

11. BTS


bts lightstick2

12. Winner

winner lightstick 2

winner lightstick

from Koreaboo https://ift.tt/2VsCxha

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