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BTS’s Jimin Reveals That He And V Once Fought Because Of A Bunk Bed

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BTS‘s V and Jimin are best friends, and while they love each other like brothers, they have had some hilarious fights. During BTS’s guest appearance in tvN‘s You Quiz On The Block, Jimin revealed that he and V once fought because of a bunk bed!

BTS’s Jimin (Left) & V (Right)

Jimin shared that in the past, he, V, and J-Hope were roommates. In their room, there was a bunk bed and a regular bed. Since J-Hope was the eldest, V and Jimin let him use the regular bed.

| ARMY UNNIE SUBS/Dailymotion

When it came to the bunk bed, Jimin let V use the bottom bunk since he thought it was better than the top bunk.

| ARMY UNNIE SUBS/Dailymotion

After around 6 months, Jimin told V that he wanted to use the bottom bunk. V, however, told Jimin, “You chose the top bunk because you liked it more.”

| ARMY UNNIE SUBS/Dailymotion

Once V said this, “chaos” ensued!

| ARMY UNNIE SUBS/Dailymotion

Jimin explained that the top bunk was uncomfortable since the air conditioner was right in front of his face, so the air would often blow right onto his face.

| ARMY UNNIE SUBS/Dailymotion

Jimin dealt with this for 6 months, so when V said he wouldn’t switch bunks with him, Jimin told V, “Are you crazy?

| ARMY UNNIE SUBS/Dailymotion

V and Jimin quickly resolved things, and looking back, Jimin wonders why they fought when it was nothing serious. Not only that, but Jimin later realized that they could have moved their bunk bed away from the air conditioner and solved the issue.

| ARMY UNNIE SUBS/Dailymotion

Here’s the full video below!

from Koreaboo https://ift.tt/323BHHN

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