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SEVENTEEN Looks Back On “GOING SEVENTEEN” And Shares What’s To Come For The Hit Web Variety Show In 2021

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SEVENTEEN is a group full of not just musical talent, but also variety gold!

SEVENTEEN | @pledis_17/Twitter

The group’s skill to entertain is surely the main reason for their popular YouTube variety show, GOING SEVENTEEN, to be successful. Reports have shown that the YouTube series has collected 100 million views in total with all episodes combined.

To celebrate the series’ success, the group sat down for an interview.

going seventeen
| @pledis_17/Twitter

GOING SEVENTEEN releases episodes based on the original ideas of each member, and the members whose ideas get chosen then get to host the episode as well.

Looking back, member Jeonghan felt each member “did a good job” during the 2020 season of GOING SEVENTEEN.

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jeonghan 17
Jeonghan | @pledis_17/Twitter

I feel that all of the members did a good job of preparing the content they wanted to try and showed it to Carats in GOING SEVENTEEN 2020. In 2021, we will continue to prepare more fun content.

— Jeonghan

Leader S.Coups also added in a comment on his plans for the show’s 2021 season.

I will work harder in 2021. Please look forward to it.

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—  S.Coups

When the interviewer asked if the group is satisfied with how they hosted the different ideas, DK shared his opinions on his episodes.

DK | @pledis_17/Twitter

‘MYSTERY MYSTERY.’ First off, I am very sorry. If I get the chance to be the host again, I believe I can do a better job. But I don’t know if the producer will give me the another chance (laughs). There was a little bit of pressure because ‘MYSTERY MYSTERY’ started off ‘GOING SEVENTEEN 2020’. It was, however, a very nice memory for me. Next time, I think it would also be fun to have a bigger-scale ‘MYSTERY MYSTERY’, although I’m not sure if I’ll be given the opportunity again (laugh). ‘MYSTERY MYSTERY’ was very fun.

— DK

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The group’s maknae (youngest member), Dino, also shared his thoughts about GOING SEVENTEEN.

The sense of the crew of ‘GOING SEVENTEEN 2020’ was very cool. It was great to materialize the idea, and above all, it seems that our idea was reflected and participated in more fun. So, it seems that many people sympathized and laughed, and it has become an unforgettable memory for us.

— Dino

The interviewer then asked whether any of the members were impressed by another member’s skills for variety TV. Hoshi chose DK as the member who did extremely well with the show.

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santa hoshi
Hoshi | @pledis_17/Twitter

I’m jealous and fascinated by his instinctive variety skills and bright energy. I want to be funny too.

— Hoshi

Joshua praised Jun‘s performance in one episode:

In ‘MOUSEBUSTERS,’ I think it was amazing how Jun was able to lie about his ability. I didn’t expect it, and I’m shocked that I believed it.

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— Joshua

When asked about what they learned during their time filming GOING SEVENTEEN 2020, Woozi and Mingyu gave a heartwarming answer.

Woozi | @pledis_17/Twitter

Woozi: During the filming, I learned that you can laugh so much.

Mingyu: I learned that I really like to challenge myself. But I really can’t do bungee jumping.

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Of course, fans became curious to know in which episode the members laughed the most. THE8 picked the “TTT” episode…

When filming the ‘TTT’ episode. I was so happy and laughed the most because I was able to have fun and chat with the members after a long time.

— THE8

… while Wonwoo chose “The Tags” episode!

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the tag wonwoo
Wonwoo | @pledis_17/Twitter

It was so funny to see Mingyu and Seungkwan running away with each other as bait during the filming of ‘ The Tags’.

— Wonwoo

Concluding the interview, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Jun shared their gratitude to the fans.

I was happy to be able to laugh with the with Carats around the world at the content of ‘GOING SEVENTEEN 2020.’ We, SEVENTEEN, are working hard to prepare and shoot various contents as well as music and performances. We ask for your anticipation and love for ‘GOING SEVENTEEN’, which will come back on March 3rd.

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— Seungkwan

Fans can’t wait for more great content by SEVENTEEN and will be counting down the days until March 3, 2021 — when the show’s new season is set to premiere!

from Koreaboo https://ift.tt/2M4mRg5

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