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Here’s Some Random TMI About BTS That You Might Not Have Known About

Beautiful Females
Estimated read time: 1 min

Although we know there’s a myriad of BTS information out on the internet, we thought we’d still share some random bits of TMI for those that might not have known about it yet!

| @bts_official/Twitter

Three of the older members Jin, Suga, and J-Hope are actually the youngest in their families. Younger members V and Jimin are the oldest in their families. RM and Jungkook are in the same position in the group as they are at home (RM being the oldest and Jungkook being the youngest at home).

| @bts_official/Twitter

Jungkook auditioned for Mnet’s Superstar K and received love calls from seven different agencies.


Although BTS’s RM is the leader of the group, he is the youngest out of the hyung line. He receives a lot of care from the other six members and has stated that he does not cook or drive for the sake of world peace.

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| @_jeongguk_bunny/Twitter

Jungkook is afraid of microwaves.

| Naver live stream

V’s dream was to become a farmer.


J-Hope once won a bronze medal in a tennis tournament when he was young.

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| FILA Indonesia

RM was born weighing 4.8 kg.

| BTS 2019 Season’s Greetings

Jimin, V, and Jungkook all have moles in the same spot on their hands.

V once cut his own bangs on accident during a music video shoot and had to wear a fringe wig for some time.


Out of all the fried foods, Jungkook likes fried seaweed rolls the best.

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| Run BTS!

Honestly, there’s just way too much information out there about these boys! Share some unique TMIs about the group if you know any!

from Koreaboo https://ift.tt/2XStbJL

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